Men On The Way Program

Men on the Way (MOTW) provides 10 residential treatment beds and 22 sober living beds. MOTW was birthed supernaturally out of Women on the Way (WOTW) in 2014. The agency was called upon to provide residential treatment services and sober living services for men coming out of the Calif. State prison system. MOTW provides a place where men are guided and directed to a new way of living, without the use of any mind-altering substances and breaking free from life patterns that kept them going to prison. MOTW residential facilities create a family environment where men can get vulnerable with their feelings and accept how their choices have affected not only their lives but also their families. MOTW residential treatment center provides group and individual counseling, peer mentorship, 12-step, and spiritual support. Residential treatment stays vary from 3-6 months and then followed up with 6 months of sober living services where men are able to obtain employment, continue their recovery with outpatient substance abuse groups and 12-step meetings. MOTW is the only residential treatment facility for men coming out of prison returning to Alameda County.